Instagram is among the top social media platforms for businesses to connect with their customers. The problem is that many companies struggle to reach out to potential clients because they don’t know how to effectively promote themselves on Instagram.

How often do you see posts from influencers who seem to be struggling to get sales? If you truly want to increase your sales and gain Instagram followers for free on Instagram, then you should follow these simple steps.

Tips for Making More Sales on Instagram

Instagram is a powerful tool for doing business and for business owners looking to connect with customers and grow their brands. It is important for a business owner to know how to gain followers on Instagram. Here are tips to help you maximize your sales on Instagram.

Use Hashtags

Hashtags are a quick and easy way to find relevant content related to your products or services. They also allow users to search for specific hashtags within Instagram easily. For instance, if you sell dog food, you may want to tag #dogfood or #dogs.

Create Interesting Content

It does not matter how beautiful your product photos are if nobody sees them. To drive traffic to your posts, try creating interesting content that engages your audience. Try posting videos, infographics, or memes. These types of posts tend to receive higher engagement rates than standard images.

Post Regularly

Posting regularly keeps your followers engaged and increases the likelihood that they’ll follow you back. According to research conducted by Facebook, the optimal number of times per day that brands should post varies depending on the industry. However, most experts recommend posting between 2–7 times per week.

Be Consistent

Consistency is key when trying to build a following on social media. When you consistently post quality content, your followers will come to expect it. And, since they’ve grown accustomed to seeing your posts, they’ll be more likely to engage with them.

Promote Your Posts

Promoting your posts is another effective strategy for increasing engagement. By sharing links to your posts on Twitter or Facebook, you can encourage others to share them too.

Engage with Others

Engaging with others on Instagram is a great way to boost your follower count. Comment on other users’ posts, ask questions, and comment on their comments.

Add Visual Elements

Adding visual elements to your photos can really enhance their appeal. Try adding text overlays, filters, or stickers to your pictures. These small touches that you apply can go a long way toward creating a memorable image.

Focus on Quality over Quantity

It may seem counterintuitive, but focusing on quality over quantity actually makes your Instagram feed look more professional. When you post too much, it can come across as spammy and unprofessional. Instead, focus on producing high-quality content that showcases your best work.


There are many ways to use Instagram to increase your sales. You just need to put in the right amount of effort.